Our family moved from Dallas to Singapore in June 2008 and returned to Dallas in June 2010. It was a wonderful adventure and something we will never forget. We made many dear friends while living in Singapore, and did lots of traveling. One of our favorite places to travel was Indonesia (we fell in love with Bali!) and found the Indonesian people to be very kind and welcoming to westerners like ourselves. But that's another story and another blog (http://www.waychoffsinsingapore.blogspot.com/)! Fast forward to October 2010, we were unpacked and settling into our new home when I received an email from our good friend Don Burkett. Don was forwarding an email from Linley York, who also lives in Singapore. Below is the stream of emails that took place over the course of a few days. Sorry you will have to scroll all the way down and start at the very beginning of the email and read your way back up. (I am computer challenged and couldn't figure out any other way to do this!)
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Linley York <linley.york@gmail.com>
To: Tracy Waychoff <tracywaychoff@yahoo.com>
Sent: Monday, October 4, 2010 6:14 PM
Subject: Re: Miduk Needs a Home
From: Linley York <linley.york@gmail.com>
To: Tracy Waychoff <tracywaychoff@yahoo.com>
Sent: Monday, October 4, 2010 6:14 PM
Subject: Re: Miduk Needs a Home
If you send me your phone number I will phone you.
For now, no one knows his exact treatment plan..... because they haven't seen him there. His scans
were seen by a hotshot Ortho surgeon on the USS Mercy ship when they were here in July.... I took only his scans. He said there were only 2 hospitals in all of the USA who could help.... and TSR was one...... he said he needed extended traction and hopefully no surgery. Time is of a factor as his growth plates are still open, but will close soon.....
Communication is not a problem.... the hospital will have translators.... for all languages. Plus I send all of my kids with language cards.... train them in pain pictures....send dictionaries.... etc.
He will need a wheelchair for long distances (will come with one). He SHOULD GET OUT AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE...... and enjoy the place while he is there. He can walk short distances already... with a stick (I am working on getting him crutches). We want him to enjoy life..... have fun...... the only thing is that he can't go to school.
I will send him with some Indonesian books to read, but he has not been able to go to school for 5 yrs (since he was 9) because he couldn't walk that far.... so he may not be able to read at his age...still I will send him some books.... he may find puzzles fun... or just plain tV!
You would need to consider him as one of your kids.... take him where you go! If you go to the supermarket.... take him along..... I will get him using a wheelchair.....he doesn't have one yet. He may figure out those electric ones in Walmart!! BOYS LIKE THINGS WITH WHEELS! He may love legos.... never seen any so far.
He probably can't do stairs.... but maybe can crawl up... kids are ingenious!
The communication is going to be an issue only initially... within the first month I think you will find that he is learning.... they learn so much faster than we do. THere is also a HUGE Indonesian community in Dallas..... so I can hook you up with some translators. People you can phone and get quick translation.
He has not been accepted as yet at Texas Scottish Rites.... I need to find a home before completing the application.... not sure how long it takes once we get it done....
He will need some dental work.... at least I am expecting that. I have NEVER MET ONE INDONESIAN KID WHO DIDN'T. There is a Dentist in Richardson who has volunteered to do it free... although you can use your own dentist if you get him to agree! We will need a volunteer Pediatrician also..... there are some Ortho docs working on his behalf to get him help.... they may be able to help.
Think it over..... send me your number.... and we can talk about the realities of Hosting!
I have a Host Mother who helps educate new Host families who is in Ohio who can also help. She has a Indonesian child of mine too!
Cheers! Linley
I am on skype if you are too.... yorkjava
I live in singapore.... so the time difference is 12 hours.
On Tue, Oct 5, 2010 at 6:13 AM, Tracy Waychoff <tracywaychoff@yahoo.com> wrote:
Hi Linley,Thank you for your email. I want to be honest and tell you up front that I'm not sure right now if my family will be able to host Miduk, but we would like some more information if possible. Is there someone that can tell me a little more about Miduk's proposed treatment plan? I'm not sure what is meant by "extended traction". Does that mean he would be in the hospital for weeks/months at a time? Are they considering surgery for him as well? When he is in our home with us, will he be mobile with a wheelchair/cane/crutches, or will he be bedridden? Will we be able to take him places or will he have to remain at home? Is this a very painful procedure? How will Miduk communicate with the doctors and nurses if he doesn't speak English? For example, if he is in pain and I can't be there with him all the time. I know these are all very random questions, but this is what is floating through my mind right now.......Any insight you could offer would be helpful.Thanks Linley!Tracy--- On Sun, 10/3/10, Linley York <linley.york@gmail.com> wrote:
From: Linley York <linley.york@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Miduk Needs a Home
To: "Don Burkett" <singapore.slim@yahoo.com>
Cc: "Tracy Waychoff" <tracywaychoff@yahoo.com>
Date: Sunday, October 3, 2010, 11:09 AM
Don and Tracy,
I believe that God uses all of us to connect for HIS good and His plans..... whether or not you are the family who will Host Miduk.I have hosted many children over the years .. and fostered children. The rewards so outweigh the sacrifices. Words cannot describe the experiences each of us in our family receive.We are actually in process of trying to bring another boy to Singapore for care.... and considering hosting ourselves, although I travel so this presents an issue. Our children grew up with someone in their room... sometimes in their bed with them... and my husband and I are the same.... sometimes sharing our bed with a little one who is not used to sleeping alone.Please feel free to ask me any questions... though at this time, I don't know a lot about his actual care.... it seems that he will be in Texas Scottish Rites Hosp for "long term" traction. I have no idea what that means... weeks or months.... but he would need his "family" to visit him and to support his stay. It will all be new there.... new food, new language, new facilities (running water, showers, etc.). I bring the kids to my house for a couple of weeks to get used to "Western ways" for a bit.... so that its not all completely new. He will probably also need dental work and there is a doctor in the area who has agreed to provide that for free. I will work on getting a free Pediatrician too. I am going to try and raise funds to purchase insurance for him.... in the case he were to require emergency surgery... or brake an arm... the unknown emergencies.My experience is that the kids pick up English quickly..... and they fit into the family quickly... after a couple of weeks of feeling shy and uncomfortable.I expect he will be there from 6 - 9 months.... but it could be less. I do not expect longer.Please pray about it..... and allow God to lead you and your family, Tracy.Don, thank you for forwarding the note..... I know God has a hand in all of these email connections... some years back I realized that GOD USES THE INTERNET TOO!Cheers! LinleyWe have SKype if you want to talk... yorkjavaOf phone call: (65) 8298-3167
On Sun, Oct 3, 2010 at 9:56 AM, Don Burkett <http://us.mc462.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=singapore.slim@yahoo.com> wrote:
Linley, see Tracy's email below.db
From: Tracy Waychoff [mailto:http://us.mc462.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=tracywaychoff@yahoo.com]
Sent: Sunday, 3 October, 2010 5:51 AM
To: Don Burkett
Subject: Re: FW: [SGWoodlands] Fwd: Miduk Needs a Home
Don,WOW is all I can say. Every hair on my arms stood on end as I read this email and it brought me to tears. I can't help but wonder if this is why God brought us back to Dallas, so that our family can help this child from Indonesia? I have been praying for a "project" or something to keep me busy. Could this be IT? Your timing couldn't have been more perfect. I am scared/nervous to even consider doing this, as it is most definitely outside of my comfort zone. But I also cannot ignore something that I feel just might be that whisper from God that I have been listening for!I want to discuss this with Shelby and the kids after my in-laws leave this weekend. Not sure if they will share my feelings about hosting Miduk.Can you please forward this to Linley York and ask her to please email me so I can discuss with her?Thanks Don!Tracy--- On Sat, 10/2/10, Don Burkett <http://us.mc462.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=singapore.slim@yahoo.com> wrote:
From: Don Burkett <http://us.mc462.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=singapore.slim@yahoo.com>
Subject: FW: [SGWoodlands] Fwd: Miduk Needs a Home
To: "Tracy Waychoff" <http://us.mc462.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=tracywaychoff@yahoo.com>
Date: Saturday, October 2, 2010, 4:48 PM
Hey Tracy, just thought I'd forward this to you, in case you have some suggestion?db
From: http://us.mc462.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=SGWoodlands@yahoogroups.com [mailto:http://us.mc462.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=SGWoodlands@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Linley York
Sent: Saturday, 2 October, 2010 3:30 PM
Subject: [SGWoodlands] Fwd: Miduk Needs a Home
I am an American Nurse who works with the needy of Indonesia. I am in the process of sending a 15 yr. old boy to Dallas for 6 - 8 months for treatment at Texas Scottish Rites for a chronic dislocated hip/femur (he has had for 5 yrs). He would be going to the USA on his own and needs a family who is willing to Host him for his treatment period. He currently does not speak English, though is keen to learn. He uses a stick to walk, but cannot walk for long periods. He will have a wheelchair until he has his treatment.... allowing him to walk again!
It is not for certain that he will be accepted, but I have high hopes this will happen before Christmas.. most likely November at the earliest.
If you know anyone in Dallas who would be interested in Hosting Miduk, please have them contact me. Feel free to forward this email onwards.
There is no reimbursement for costs of his care.His medical costs for his dislocated hip will be paid for by TSR (if he is accepted).We need a Host Family in order to complete the application process.He has USA Navy Doctors and other doctors trying to help him receive services.His transportation and travel costs, passport and visa will be arranged by donors.He is from a poor farming family.He would be in the hospital for extended traction and would need visits during that time.
Miduk: 15 yr old
ChristianDislocated hip/femur for 5 yrs.Shy and quietSpeak Indonesian ... eager to learn EnglishUnable to walk long distances... uses a stick to walk.Has not attended school for 5 yrs due to inability to walk to school.We want to give him back his legs so he can go back to school!
Miduk is the young 14 (15 this month) year old Indonesian boy who is in need
of a Host Family in Dallas while he receives care at Scottish Rites (he has
yet to be officially accepted, but we need a Host Family as part of that
process). He is quiet and shy and will not speak English, but I know he
will learn quickly as all of the other children we have sent.
He will be in the hospital for an extended time receiving traction
therapy..... I suspect he will be in the USA for 6 months.... but it may be
shorter or longer. I really hope to get him there by Christmas... to bless
him and whoever takes him in! So far... there IS NO ROOM IN THE INN....
He will require a family who has time to give him attention.... and time to
receive him into their hearts and homes!
Please forward this email onwards!
I can put you in touch with families who have Hosted our Indonesian
children... and they can give you some first hand insight into the JOYS you
will experience.. and speak to you about the realities of taking in a
"foster child". Do keep in mind that the teenagers here from villages are
much less mature than your teens in America. They will not know how to use
computers ... some will not know how to use a cell phone (HP).... they will
not be used to running water.... or indoor toilets (although I do that
training before they arrive)!
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