Monday, November 14, 2011


The highlight of our day today was going to Shelby's office so that Miduk could see where Daddy Shelby works. He met a few people there, then we headed to Burger House for lunch and Simona joined us.  The moment we walked into Burger House Miduk covered up his nose with his jacket just like he did at Central Market!  It did smell kind of funny in there, not a burger or even a cheese smell, but rather a cleaning product kind of smell!  Once he let go of his nose, he enjoyed the burger and fries, and even tried some onion rings. 

This morning after our walk I sat down with Miduk and went over some picture cards with him.  My friend Angie is an ESL teacher and these are what they use in the classroom.  Miduk pretty much breezed through most of the cards, although he did not know the word for "refrigerator" (no surprise there!) and when he saw a picture of an alligator, he said "I no like alligator"!   We think his English is improving every day.  Even if he cannot verbalize what he is trying to say, his understanding of English words is definitely better.  He initiates conversation with us and likes to joke around.  He is probably so sick of hearing us say "Anda Lapar" (are you hungry?)  and "Anda Lelah?" (are you tired?) to him all the time. That's pretty much all we knew the first day or two that he was here!  He has very good manners and is always telling me "Thank you Mom!"  We also spent some time using the Google Translator on my laptop so that I could ask him some questions.  If he cannot answer my question verbally, he types it into the computer (hunt and peck method, as he has never used a computer before but he can spell) and it translates from Indonesian into English.  I have found that it's not always completely acurate though!  This morning I asked Miduk what he wants to be when he grows up and he said he wants to be a motorcycle racer.  His family has a motorcycle and his brother sometimes lets Miduk ride around with him.  I asked Miduk if he will go back to school and he said no!  When I asked him why, he said he is ashamed.  He is ashamed because he had to drop out of school after grade five.  He said he would probably go to work farming with his older brother.  I hope that maybe after his hip is repaired and he can walk and run again like his friends do, that he will change his mind and continue his education.  He has such a great personality I can picture him working with people someday.

Every time we drive somewhere in the car, Miduk points out all of his favorite cars.  His very favorite car is a Mustang.  Today I was driving along when suddenly he yelled "Ford Mustang!" and he also whistles when he sees a Hummer or a luxury sports car.  :)

Well tonight was the one week weigh-in and I am happy to report that Miduk has gained 2 pounds this past week!  He has a very healthy appetite and eats more than Kasey and I do! 
We introduced him to ice cream tonight.  We Waychoffs love our (almost) nightly bowl of ice cream, and he had some Blue Bell Moolenium Crunch.  After the first few bites he jumped up and started pounding his back with his fist.  He had spine freeze! hahaha  We always let Sugar lick the bowls clean and you should have seen the look on his face!  I pretended to put them back in the cabinet as if they were clean, haha  :)

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